Marvel's latest superhero show merges the action genre with a light feminist dramedy to excellent effect. Tatiana Maslany steals the show.


She-Hulk grapples with these same sexist stereotypes, and jibes and makes fun of them in an irreverent manner making it the best MCU show this year.


She-Hulk is the latest Disney+ series from the Marvel Cinematic Universe with the introduction of Tatiana Maslany as She-Hulk/Jennifer Walters.


Lawyer Jennifer Walters, whose secret identity has been revealed to the world realizing her powers are both a gift and a curse.


FiIt’s quite similar to Marvel’s previous show Ms Marvel, which also dealt with a reluctant female superhero coming to terms with her powers.


The show’s director Kat Coiro wasted no time in reminding She-Hulk has been doing it ‘way before’ Deadpool.


She-Hulk takes it forward by bringing issues like sexism at workplace and the cesspool that is dating apps.


The show proves that Marvel’s web series are getting more relatable and as real-life as possible in a world full of parallel universes.


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Next up is Orphan: First Kill, which sees Isabelle Fuhrman return to the past for a horror prequel.